ZZ. Physical & Mental Health and Social Safety

Course schedule

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Course description

This presentation is about the Dutch Health System and the support that Wageningen University & Research offers in the field of Physical & Mental Health, and Social Safety

Date              Monday, August 29, 2022

Time             15:00 – 17:30

Location        Wageningen Campus, Orion building 1032, 2030, 2035

Catering        No drinks, nor food will be served. Bring some water !

We urgently advise you to attend this meeting; the Dutch system may differ significantly from what you were used to in your country of origin. 

During the presentation we will inform you what kind of issues or problems we can support you with, what to do when you need help. What to expect and...what not to expect. 
After the presentation, there is an opportunity to talk in small groups with the professionals that are present. 


  • Introduction
    Nereida Ordovas-Garcia – Student Psychologist 
    Originally from Spain, she came to the Netherlands as a MSc Student. 
  • The Dutch Healthcare System 
    Suzanne van Dinther - General Practitioner, Wageningen Student Medical Center
    What is the role of the GP in the Dutch healthcare system. What can you expect from your Wageningen doctor and how does it differ from your home situation. 
  • Prevention, Guidance and Social Safety @ WUR
    • Student Dean 
      Nadja Schiemann and Olav Wissing 
      Special circumstances can lead to study delay. The Student Dean is there to advise you. 
    • Student Psychologists 
      Kevin de Bruin and Nereida Ordovas Garcia 
      Are you dealing with personal – psychological – problems? We offer short term counselling to WUR students
    • Confidential Counsellors 
      Klaartje Thierry - Confidential Counsellor 
      In case you are faced with undesirable – or transgressive – behaviour by fellow students, employees or others. 
    • Health prevention & information
      Marchel Ratering – Nurse Practitioner 
      Health care starts with information & prevention. 

We hope to see you on August 29 at 15:00 in Orion!

Stay healthy!

Ingrid Hijman, Head of Student Service Center

Door van der Sloot, Manager Student Well-being and Student Training & Support