02. Focus - Masterclasses Dr Martijn vd Spoel

Course schedule

This course is not scheduled yet.

Course description

The follow-up masterclasses by educational psychologist dr. Martijn van der Spoel are open to all WUR students! 

2. Focus

You are not born with focus.  It is something that you develop and learn.  

In this session we look at some of the reasons why someone finds it difficult to focus as well as what kind of techniques you can use to teach yourself to focus better. 

This series is a follow-up on the masterclass 'Study Attitude' for 1st year BSc students, given at the start of the academic year.

These masterclasses will be given face-to-face on Wageningen Campus. Dr. Martijn van der Spoel would like to point out that the sessions, because of the interactive nature and need for active learning, are not available online. (neither hybrid nor recorded).