13. From Procrastination to Action!

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Location Coordinator registrations
Are you interested to join this course, please leave your contact details here Wageningen Campus t.b.d. Student Training & Support 32 / 50 Apply

Course description

More information about this training you will find on the webpage  'From Procrastination to Action' 

Practical information 
Language:     English 
|Group size:  Max 15 participants  
Meetings:     2 lunch sessions of 1,5 hours + 1 individual session
Costs:            This course is for free, offered by WUR
Planning:      We will offer this training in P2 en P6 van AY23/24

TIP: Tuesday Takeaways
Check out these short weekly workshops during lunch hour. Every fortnight the subject of Procrastination is on the agenda!