Basic Life Support

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Location Coordinator registrations
Tuesday April 22 13:00 15:00 Forum, B0404 Sjef Moling 6 / 12 Apply
Thursday May 22 13:00 15:00 Forum, tbd Sjef Moling 3 / 12 Apply

Course description

Basic Life Support skills and the use of an AED are taught during this course. The trainee learns how to take a person to safety, assess their condition, and alert the emergency services.

The course  consists out of an e-learning (approx 2 hours online) and 2 hours in classroom training.

Under the supervision of a certified Red Cross instructor, the trainee learns how to administer First Aid to someone who is: choking (airway obstruction) • unresponsive but breathing • unresponsive and not breathing

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